December 3, 2007

Chanukah 5768

"Chanukah" means rededication.

How remarkable that each Kislev, at the darkest time of the year, the Jewish people rededicate ourselves to bringing light into the world. For eight nights, we stop and focus on lighting one match. Each night, this single match sets off a chain reaction. Slowly, slowly, we add one candle until our chanukiot are fully aflame with our kavanot, our intentions.

Chanukah is not only about kindling physical flames in our homes, but also about igniting a spiritual light within ourselves.

And so I pray...

May you ignite within your soul a light of justice.
May you ignite within your soul a light of peace.
May you ignite within your soul a light of power.
May you ignite within your soul a light of compassion.
May you ignite within your soul a light of purpose.
May you ignite within your soul a light of joy.
May you ignite within your soul a light of meaning.
May you ignite within your soul a light of gratitude.

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