October 12, 2007

Parashat Noah 5768

This week's parashah, this week's Torah portion, is Noah. Noah tells the story of a man who gets an incredible directive from the Divine: "I am about to destroy humanity and the earth. Make yourself an ark of gopher wood." Noah is told that a flood is coming and is given orders to build an ark, to pack up his family, to gather two of each animal, and to float through the re-creation of the world.

This story, filled with moral entanglements, also offers us a metaphor for our own spiritual consideration:

What are the floods that seek to surround you?
What is your ark?
Who do you invite into that ark?

My blessing for this Shabbat is that we all become aware of our own arks and recognize those who enter into them with us. May we show gratitude to those who support us and may we offer thanks for the ark that carries us.

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